IS415 Project - Shiny App User Guide


Hao Xian, Wen Yang and Pierre Jean Michel


March 4, 2023


April 16, 2023

1 Getting Started

1.1 Installing the R and R Studio

While there is a link for you to access the Shiny Application, it is recommended that you run to the R application locally, as the Shiny Webpage does not provide enough resources to run all the features of the application. This is especially so if you wish to build your own model.

The instructions to install R and R Studio can be found here.

1.2 Installing the proper packages

You can install all the relevant packages that is needed for Shiny App on R Studio. While there are quite a lot of packages to install, pacman should be prioritized to ensure the easy installation of the rest of the packages.

To Install the packages, Go to the tools sections, click on Install Packages. And insert the name pacman to install the correct packages.

You should be ready to run all the application.

2 Preprocessing the Data

The Shiny Application by itself cannot perform Pre processing by itself. However all the steps have been given to you already in the Data Pre processing Tab. All you need to do is just to follow all the steps in order to prepare the data.

All you need to do is to pre processed the data. The Building Model Section is integrated into the Shiny App already.

3 Starting the Shiny App

To start the Shiny App, you will need to download our GitHub Repository first. Once you have extracted all the folder. All you need to do is to navigate to the Folder Shiny_App. Run either server.R and ui.R on R Studio and it will start up the Shiny App.

Congratulation, you have started our shiny app.

Alternative, you can visit our link here for a hosted shiny app.